Saturday, November 29, 2008


I just got back from my fun family filled Thanksgiving! We all met at Grandma and Grandpas house in Conway, Arkansas and there was about twenty two of us! I can not tell how much I love being with my family. I love all my little cousins and there personalities. I think my favorite part about getting together with everyone is just watching everyone laugh and sharing stories or are favorite you tube videos. I love playing games till late at night while watching my sister making everyone laugh so hard that they are crying. I love waking up to the smell of frying bacon and eggs and walking into the room and everyone asking how you slept or saying " there she is, we were wondering when you were gonna make it." Our family talent show was hilarious. Its amazing to watch people that you only get to see a few times every couple of years get in front of the family and display there hidden talents like walking through a 8 by 11 piece of paper. (yeah thats right its possible just ask my aunt Kristen) I love the fact that we all root for different football teams and jokingly harass people about how they're goin down or teaching magen (my 5 year cousin from Arkansas) to say GO TIGERS!! I love that Grandpa spoils the girls rotten. He took all the girls down to this fancy shoe store and told us we each HAD to pick 2 pairs of shoes! Who would not love that! The ride back from Arkansas however was not so "loveable". Mom had to rush to St. Louis to be with Grandma because she is very ill. So I was forced to ride in a truck with my Brothers and Dad. Now dads not so bad but my brothers! Let me just say they do things that make you go BLUH!! All in all we laughed and had a good time even though dad got a speeding ticket which is so typical. I am truly blessed to have such a GREAT family. Me and Amanda were talking about when we were little and would go visit Grandma and Grandpa. Every morning Grandma always had her homemade cinnamon roles ready while Grandpa would make us animal shaped pancakes that he would spray pink or blue or any color we wanted. We would even get the option to have oreos for breakfast. We also always played in My aunt Heathers room for hours in all of her very expensive dance costumes and she never once kicked us out. I can tell you every corner of that house or even how the fridge always had to be stocked with Diet Dr. Pepper. I could go on and on of my memories from my childhood but that would take a book. I want everyone to know how truly blessed I am to have such a marvelous family. I love each and everyone of them and am very grateful for the memories they have created for me!

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